Welcome Members
You can check out your vital statistics here just by selecting your name from the list.
Or even those for your best mate for that matter
The stats are usually updated once a month after the Monthly Medal.
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Ben Akdag
Stefan Belevski
Stan Blackshaw
Andrew Blight
Harry Boughen
Craig Cameron
Bill Eastoe
Steven Gervasoni
Charles Gibbs
Michael Gourlay
Rod Grant
Gordon Hill
Josh Hunt
Matt Hunt
Adam King
Damien Lee
Geoff Lyall
Rajesh Mahto
Dan Marie
Tim Mathers
Bob McDonald
Targe Mifsud
Brendon Mitchell
Andrew Petricola
Marc Phillips
Ryan Porker
Chris Priems
Robert Priems
John Quinlan
Brent Rowley
Stephen O'Sullivan
Chris Vinecombe
Andrew Vogan
Ken Watson
Dale Webb
Rodney White