Version 25.1 dated 23 February 2025 incorporating changes approved by Committee 22 February 2025


  1. Membership
  1. Scope
  2. Application
  3. Play Social Rounds
  4. Starting Handicap
  5. Begin Competition
  6. Membership Subscriptions
  7. Membership Service Awards
  8. Veteran Membership
  9. Life Membership
  1. Handicapping
  1. Handicap Background
  2. Handicap Range
  3. Base Score
  4. Net Score Calculation
  5. Handicap Increase
  6. Handicap Reduction
  7. Winner's Adjustment
  8. Major Event
  9. Re-handicapping
  1. Competition
  1. Competition Calendar
  2. Competition Eligibility
  3. Competition Grades
  4. Countbacks
  5. Championship Points
  1. Trophies and Prizes
  1. Trophy List
  2. Nearest the Pin
  3. Ball Prizes
  4. Eagle's Nest
  5. Hole in One
  6. Monthly Medal
  7. Vardon Trophy
  8. Eclectic Trophy
  1. Tournaments
  1. Majors
  2. Matchplay Championship
  3. Strokeplay Championship
  4. Priems Cup
  5. Annual Challenge
  6. Champion of Champions
  7. Chump of Chumps


  1. Scope

  2. Membership of the Club is open to all regardless of ability or any other factor, provided that the person is willing to abide by the Rules of Golf, of fair play, and of the Club.

  3. Application

  4. Application to join the Club is made by completing the Membership Application Form that is available for download from the Club website.

  5. Social Rounds

  6. A new member is expected to play three social rounds with the Club for the purposes of familiarisation and for setting the Club handicap. This requirement can be waived in particular circumstances.

  7. Handicap

  8. The first three cards submitted from Social rounds played with the Club are used to determine the starting Club handicap. Each score on every hole is adjusted to a maximum of a double bogey, for example, if a 7 is scored on a par 4 then the result is adjusted to 6 - a double bogey. The adjusted scores are totalled for each card. The grand total is divided by 3 and the par for Ivanhoe (68) is deducted to arrive at the new handicap.

    If a player has an official Golf Australia handicap, then the player will be deemed to be eligible to play in Club Competition immediately with his starting handicap set to his Daily handicap for Ivanhoe Public Golf Course (Blue tees or Black tees, as appropriate).

  9. Competition Rounds

  10. After completion of the social rounds and the setting of the Club handicap, a new member is then eligible to take part in competition and will be eligible for all Club prizes and trophies provided that conditions set out in the Competition Rules are met.

    All Competition round results are subject to re-handicapping according to the Club handicapping Rules.

  11. Membership Subscriptions

    1. The Annual fee for Club Membership is $50 which must be paid annually or on joining and completing the Membership Application Form that is available from the Treasurer and on the website.
    2. A member also has the facility to obtain an Official Golf Australia Handicap by subscription to GolfLink through the VGL. This also provides personal liability insurance and is thus very good value
    3. The Annual Fee for the GolfLink subscription is $100 but this fee will be charged on a pro rata basis reducing by $10 per month from the start of February.
    4. The Annual fees for Club Membership and GolfLink are due and payable by the 3rd Saturday in December each year (Christmas Breakup and Presentations).

  12. Membership Service Award

  13. When a member has accumulated a total of ten (10) years as a Club member, he shall be presented with a badge to that effect during the Trophy presentations at the end of the year in which the milestone is achieved.

    When a member has accumulated a total of twenty-five (25) years as a Club member, he shall be presented with a badge to that effect during the Trophy presentations at the end of the year in which the milestone is achieved.

  14. Veteran Membership

  15. A member will attain the membership class of Veteran when they have attained tha age of 70 years and have been a member of the Club for 25 years

  16. Life Membership

  17. A member who has provided outstanding service to the Club over an extended period of time may be elevated to the rank of Life Member by the Management Committee.

    Life Members are recognised for the exceptional contribution and service they have provided to the Club which has been of significant benefit to the Club and membership. The common factor in appointing a member to the rank of Life Member is the dedication of a significant amount of personal time in making the contribution.

    The criteria for the elevation of a member to the rank of Life Member includes, but is not limited to, the following considerations:
    1. Life membership recognises a member's contribution which is far above and beyond what would normally be expected of Club members or a contribution involving a level of commitment and dedication seldom seen.
    2. A contribution justifying Life Membership would normally be expected to extend over a number of years.
    3. The member held an executive position with the Club for more than one term. Executive positions are President, Secretary, Treasurer and Club Captain.
    4. The member has been a member of the Club for a least 10 years. Years of membership will be determined by a requirement to play in at least 12 Club competition rounds in any given calendar year. Membership does not have to be continuous.

    The Management Committee will consider all aspects of a member's contribution, including the benefits to the Club before reaching a decision on the elevation of the member to the rank of Life Member.

    Life Membership entitles the Life Member to the following benefits:
    1. Life Member badge
    2. Removal of eligibility conditions for entry to Club Major Events

    If a Life Member has not played in a Club Event for a period of six months or more, their handicap for the event will be determined as follows
    1. If they have an Official handicap, they will be deemed to have a Club handicap of their Daily handicap for the course being played (Blue or Black).
    2. If they do not have an Official handicap, their last known Club handicap with the approval of the Club Captain and/or the Club President

    Nominations for Life Membership can be made at any time for consideration by the Management Committee but the presentation of the award will only be made in association with the Trophy presentations on break-up day.

  18. Handicap Background

  19. The Club handicapping system has its origins in the early days of the Club when the old Official handicapping method was deemed to be not responsive enough for a social golfing group.

    The guiding principal was that the system should be conducive to everybody in the Club having a chance to win events, and even to aspire to holding the title of Club Champion almost regardless of skill level.

    Over the years there have been various tweaks to the system in the interests of levelling the playing field, leading to the system that is in use today.

    When the new world handicapping system was adopted by Golf Australia, it was decided that our system would remain in use, partly because of the workload involved in changing the computer systems, and partly because some members are not GA members and provision would have had to be made to keep track of their handicaps in any case.

  20. Handicap Range

  21. The handicap range available to ordinary Club members will be from 0 to 36.

    For Veteran members, the upper limit for handicap is 45.

  22. Base Score

  23. The base score for determining changes to a player's handicap is the par of the course (68)

  24. Net Score Calculation

  25. For the purposes of handicap adjustment a player's net score is calculated as follows:

    1. Stroke competition - Gross score - Handicap
    2. Stableford competition - Course par + 36 - Stableford points scored
    3. Par and GrandPar competition - Course par - Par/Grandpar points scored

    If the player's net score is:

    1. greater than the base score, his handicap is increased
    2. equal to the base score, his handicap is unchanged
    3. less than the base score, his handicap is reduced

  26. Handicap increase

  27. If a player's playing handicap is:

    1. less than 19, his handicap is increased by 0.2
    2. between 19 and 35, his handicap is increased by 0.3
    3. For Veteran members only
    4. between 36 and 45, his handicap is increased by 0.5

  28. Handicap reduction

  29. If a player's handicap requires reduction, the size of the reduction depends on the number of strokes below the base score.

    Because of the progressive nature of the reduction increment, the calculation is done progressively, and the handicap is reduced based on the rounded value of the new exact handicap after each break stroke is accounted for. This means that, for multiple break strokes, the reduction increment can vary if one of the handicap boundaries is crossed.

    If a player's rounded exact handicap is:

    1. less than 10, his exact handicap is reduced by 0.2
    2. between 10 and 18, his exact handicap is reduced by 0.3
    3. between 19 and 22, his exact handicap is reduced by 0.4
    4. between 23 and 27, his exact handicap is reduced by 0.5
    5. between 28 and 32, his exact handicap is reduced by 0.6
    6. between 33 and 35, his exact handicap is reduced by 0.7
    7. For Veteran members only
    8. between 36 and 40, his exact handicap is reduced by 0.8
    9. between 41 and 45, his exact handicap is reduced by 0.9

  30. Winner's Adjustment

  31. The first place getter(s) in an event will be subject to an additional handicap penalty, even if they are beaten by means of countback.

    If a player's exact handicap at the start of an event is:

    1. less than 10.5, his final exact handicap is reduced by 0.5
    2. greater than or equal to 10.5, his final exact handicap is reduced by 1.0
    3. Being placed first in an event removes the right for a handicap increase.

  32. Major Events

  33. For Majors (two week events), the cards submitted, whether the member plays both weeks or not, will be handicapped as if they were from separate events.

    The winner is the player/players with the best aggregate score for the two rounds, regardless of any countback to determine trophy recipients.

    The winner's penalty is applied to both sets of handicap adjustments as outlined above.

  34. Re-handicapping

  35. If an existing member has had a long break from playing or has suffered an injury or physical impairment that permanently affects his ability to play to a standard indicated by his existing handicap, then the member can apply to the Club Captain for a review of his handicap to be made.

    If the Club Captain is satisfied that a handicap review is warranted on the evidence provided, then the most recent three cards submitted in competition (or social rounds, which will not be subject to existing handicap adjustment) with the Club will be assessed.

    At the discretion of the Handicapper and the Club Captain, the scores on these cards might be used for the purposes of re-setting the handicap on the basis given above.

    Also at their discretion, an additional two cards might be required to be submitted.

  36. Competition Calendar

  37. A competition will be scheduled for every Saturday in the year unless the date falls on Christmas Day or any other day upon which the Ivanhoe Public Golf Course is closed.

    A competition requires that there be present at least six members. In the event that fewer that six members are available, play will still be available, but the rounds will be classified as Social.

    The competition type for events will alternate Stableford and Par with the following exceptions:

  38. Competition Eligibility

  39. To be eligible to win any Club competition a player must satisfy the following prior to entry into the competition:

  40. Competition grades

  41. All Club players compete without grades regardless of handicap.

  42. Countbacks

  43. On all Monthly Medals, Fred Howe Cup, David Ford Cup, Fred Kitson Cup, Champion of Champions, Annual Challenge Trophy, Vin O'Meara Cup, if there are any ties for first place, the winner of the trophy will be decided on a countback of the most recently played round.

    Countbacks shall be conducted as per the recommendations in the Rules of Golf 2008 et seq.

    The countback shall be conducted in the following order:

    1. The best net score on the final 9 holes with one half of each player's handicap taken into account.
    2. The best net score on the final 6 holes with one-third of each player's handicap taken into account.
    3. The best net score on the final 3 holes with one-sixth of each player's handicap taken into account.
    4. The last hole played with one-eighteenth of each player's handicap taken into account.
    5. Fractions are to be considered rounding to the nearest number and in the event of a tie after the final hole is considered then a chip off is to be conducted as per the matchplay rules.

    Note that countbacks on Par and Stableford competitions do not need handicaps taken into account and are based purely on the points scored on the respective groups of holes.

  44. Championship points

    1. Club Championship

    2. For all non-major competition days and Monthly Medals, points will be awarded as follows:

      8 Points first and ties

      5 Points second and ties

      3 Points third and ties

      2 Points fourth and ties

      1 Point fifth and ties

      For the Fred Howe Cup, Vin O'Meara Cup, David Ford Cup, Fred Kitson Cup, Stuart Clarke Memorial and the Matchplay final (including play off for third and fourth) all championship points are doubled.

      Points will also be awarded to participants in the Priems Cup Events as defined in the rules for that event.

      Points are awarded regardless of player attendance eligibility.

      The member who accumulates the most points over the course of the competition year will be declared the Club Champion. In the case of ties, each player so tied will be declared equal Club Champions.

    3. Seniors Championship

    4. Members who have reached the age of 55 years at the start of a new competition year will be eligible to accumulate points in the Senior Club Championship.

      The points awarded for Senior players will be as follows:

      3 Points first and ties

      2 Points second and ties

      1 Point third and ties

      Double points will be awarded for Major events as for the Club Championship.

      Points will not be awarded for the Seniord Championship in the Priems Cup Events.

      Points are awarded regardless of player attendance eligibility.

      The Senior member who accumulates the most points over the course of the competition year will be declared the Senior Club Champion. In the case of ties, each player so tied will be declared equal Senior Club Champions.

  45. Trophies

  46. Trophies shall be presented for the following:

    1. All monthly medals - First only
    2. Annual Challenge - Winner
    3. Stuart Clarke Memorial Trophy - First only
    4. Vin O'Meara Memorial Trophy - First only
    5. David Ford Cup - First only
    6. David Primrose Champion of Champions - First only
    7. Fred Howe Cup - First only
    8. Fred Kitson Cup - First only
    9. Club Champion - First and ties
    10. Matchplay Championship - Winner
    11. Club Stroke Play Champion - First and ties - Scratch and Handicap
    12. Best combined three rounds of the year of Stroke
    13. Best combined three rounds of the year of Par
    14. Best combined three rounds of the year of Stableford
    15. Senior Club Champion - First and ties
    16. Vardon Trophy - Winner
    17. Chump of Chumps - Winner
    18. Eclectic - Winner
    19. Hole-in-One (if applicable)

  47. Nearest the pin

    1. On all competition days a hole will be decided by the Tee marshal or his delegate for the purposes of playing a nearest the pin competition. This hole will be announced as the "money hole" (ProPin) prior to play by the Captain or Tee Marshall.
    2. The fee for the ProPin is included in the Competition Fee. $1 from the Competition Fee will be included in the ProPin Pool or normal competition days. Casual/Social round players will pay the appropriate amount to take part in the ProPin competition.
    3. The player whose ball is nearest to the hole shall be the winner and he shall receive all of that money paid in for that day’s competition.
    4. The ball must be on the green to qualify.
    5. The ball must be within a five metre distance from the hole to qualify.
    6. The player who is nearest the pin as play progresses must write his name on the marker provided and must have his marker witness the position and name on the marker.
    7. In the event that there is no person to qualify for nearest the pin, the money will jackpot to the following week.
    8. There will also be a second nearest the pin competition on two holes decided by the Tee marshal or his delegate. The prize for this nearest the pin (BallPin) will be a golf ball on each of the two holes. The same relevant rules (except for the distance requirement - Rule 5) shall apply for the winner and the prize will jackpot to the next week. There is no charge for entry to the BallPin competition.

  48. Ball Prizes

    1. Prizes of balls shall be awarded for the best scores on each competition day.
    2. The number of balls (stock) that can be allocated will be total players divided by 4 to a maximum of six balls and shall be awarded at the conclusion of each competition day.
    3. The winner will receive two balls but in the case of ties for first place each tie for first place will receive one ball each. Second, third, and so on placings shall receive one ball each until the stock of balls is exhausted. In the case of ties for placings exceeding the six-ball limit, those players will not receive any balls.
    4. Winners of Monthly Medal Events will receive only one ball.
    5. There will be no ball run on the overall result of a Major Trophy Event

  49. Eagle's Nest

    1. The Club shall hold an ongoing "Eagle's nest" competition. One half ball per week will be added to the Eagle's Nest but there will be a no limit of balls in the nest at any one time.
    2. If a person has an eagle (two under par) on any hole during competition he will win the Eagle's Nest.
    3. In the event of no person scoring an eagle for that week then the prize is jackpotted to the next week and half a ball is added to the nest. The number of balls will be rounded up.
    4. In the event of two or more persons scoring eagles on the same day the nest shall be shared equally between them. Any odd numbered balls will return to the club and go back into the nest.
    5. In the event that the nest is one ball only and there are two or more players the ball shall go to the person who scored the eagle first (eg. 3rd hole as against the 17th hole). In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by coin toss.

  50. Hole in One

    1. If a member scores a Hole in One, he will be eligible to win the Eagle's Nest.
    2. In addition, the Club will pay for a round of drinks for those present who wish to partake.
    3. The Club will also provide a suitable memento of the occasion and the member should make available the scorecard and ball unless he wishes to make his own arrangements.

  51. Monthly Medal

  52. A Monthly Medal event will be scheduled on the first Saturday in each month except the month of December. The December Monthly Medal will be contested on the last Saturday in November.

    The event will be a Stroke competition and the winner of the medal will be the eligible player who returns the lowest net score for the day, either outright or by countback.

    To be eligible to play in the monthly medal the member must have played at least one competition round or one social round since the last monthly medal date or that date adjusted for the number of events cancelled due to COVID or any other reason.

  53. Vardon Trophy

    1. The Vardon Trophy will be awarded to the member with the highest 'strike rate' throughout the competition year.
    2. The strike rate is the number of points accumulated in the Club Championship divided by the number of competition rounds that are eligible to score points played during the year. Single rounds played during a Major event do not count.
    3. To be considered for the trophy, the member must have played in at least fifteen eligible competition rounds during the year.

  54. Eclectic

    1. The Eclectic Trophy will be awarded to the member with the lowest net score from their best score on each hole throughout the competition year.
    2. The Eclectic table will be updated after each week's competition.
    3. The handicap used to determine the net score is three quarters of the player's current exact handicap.
    4. In the event of a tied result, duplicate trophies will be awarded.

  55. Major Events

  56. Major events are the Fred Howe Cup, David Ford Cup, Fred Kitson Trophy, Stuart Clarke Memorial Plaque and Vin O'Meara Memorial Trophy.

    The Fred Howe Cup and Stuart Clarke Memorial shall be played as a Stableford Competition.

    The Fred Kitson Remembrance Trophy and the David Ford Cup shall be played as a Par Competition.

    The Vin O'Meara Memorial Trophy shall be played as a Stroke Competition.

    1. Eligibility

    2. The member must have played at least three (3) rounds (excluding Majors) within the previous three (3) months or that date adjusted for the number of events cancelled due to COVID or any other reason. Life members are exempt and play to a handicap as defined under Life Membership; Players returning from injury (as long as they have a legitimate injury) or who have legitimate work commitments on competition days may also be exempted provided that they have pre-approval from the Match Committee.

    3. Rescheduling

    4. In the event that any round of a major event cannot be contested/completed because of pandemic restrictions, inclement weather or course closure, the Committee has the option to reschedule the round at the earliest opportunity provided that the rescheduling of this (and any subsequent) round of the Major Event does not impact upon other significant events on the calendar such as a Monthly Medal. Any part of a round completed will be counted as a social round but any scores recorded will be void.

      If, on the day of a postponed round, a sufficient number of players can complete a round of play, then a Club Event can be contested and the players will be eligible for allocation of points and handicapping according to the normal rules.

  57. Eligibility and Rules for Matchplay Championship

    1. At a date to be fixed by the Committee (usually the last Saturday in February), qualification for the matchplay tournament will be determined from those members who have registered that they wish to play in the event.
    2. The field will be selected and seeded according to the following criteria
      1. The Matchplay squad will consist of the number of those members who are eligible and have registered to play or thirty two.
      2. To be eligible to enter, a member must have played in a Club Event at least once in the three calendar months prior to the qualifying date.
      3. In the event that more than thirty two members are eligible and registered, the surplus members will be eligible to play as emergencies in the first round of the event.
      4. The list of members will be sorted [seeded] into matches by random draw. The top seeds will be filled by the finalists from the previous Matchplay Championship who register for the event in order of finish and therefore they will be excluded from the random draw.
      5. The random draw will occur after the last competition day in February each year. The first member selected from the random draw will be seeded as the number, one more than the number of finalists registered. The remaining seeding positions will then increase until all registered members' names have been drawn and seeded. In the event that less than 32 members have registered to play in the event, first round byes will complete the required number of positions.
      6. Individual matches will then be determined by filling a standard elimination draw table from the seedings.
    3. The dates for each of the matchplay rounds will be fixed by the Committee but will generally run for six clear weeks for round 1 and four clear weeks per round for subsequent rounds, not including Majors and the Priems Cup i.e. Matchplay will not be compulsory during these events. The end of one round and the start of the next round dates are coincident.
    4. The person on the top line of each match will be responsible for arranging the match and reporting the result to the Handicapper but if both players are present on any given day the match should be played.
    5. In the first round, if either contestant is unable to play the match before or on the nominated closing date for the round, they should defer to the first emergency from the available list. In the event of no emergency being available, Rule 7.7 will apply. Emergency substitutions are also subject to the terms of Rule 7.7.
    6. Provided that players agree and notify the Committee, matches in the first two rounds of competition can be played at Ivanhoe Public Golf Course on days other than regular Club Competition days. Matches played under this rule that result in ties after 18 holes must be decided in accordance with the rules below except that the requirement for the presence of a Committee member is waived.
    7. Only under extenuating circumstances as determined by the Club Captain will matches be allowed to be played after the final dates fixed for each round. Subject to the ruling of the Club Captain, failure to play matches by the closing date of the round may result in forfeiture or the match result being declared void and neither player will progress to the next round.
    8. If it suits both parties, matches in any round can be played as soon as the fixture is known without the need to wait until the nominated round starting date.
    9. A standard table of Matchplay Indexes will be provided and used for all matches in the event.
    10. The playing of the finals will be held on a date fixed by the Committee. The final match will be refereed by a Rules Official. The finals will not be played on the day of a Major Event or Monthly Medal but the finalists will be allowed to be participants in the Club event of the day.
    11. On all matchplay rounds a playoff will be held if the matches are square at the end of 18 holes. Playoffs for all matchplay rounds shall be conducted at the practice chipping green behind the clubhouse.
    12. If the final goes into tie at the end of 18 holes a playoff will be conducted starting at the 1st hole and carrying on until one player wins a hole on a sudden-death basis. Such play-offs holes will be at the discretion of the management of the Ivanhoe Public Golf Course depending on course availability. Matchplay handicaps will apply to the extra holes as per matchplay rules on a hole by hole basis.
    13. For chip-offs, the Club President or Captain in his stead (or other member of the Committee as the case may be) will select a "teeing ground" at the west of the chipping green no greater than 5 metres but no less than 1 metre from the green.
    14. A coin toss will decide who shall chip first. The winner of the toss will decide.
    15. Players will attempt to hole a ball in the holes provided in the chipping green in the fewest strokes which may include putts.
    16. In the first chip-off players will chip towards the most distant of the holes and in subsequent trials will work back to holes closer to the teeing area. The playoff will end when a player completes a hole in fewer strokes than his competitor.
    17. The losers of both semi-finals will play off for third and fourth place with championship points accordingly.
    18. The winner of the Matchplay Championship will be subject to a Winner's penalty of one (1) stroke.

  58. Strokeplay Championship

  59. The Club Strokeplay Championship will be contested over three rounds in combination with the December Monthly Medal and the two rounds of the Vin O'Meara Memorial Trophy (Christmas Cup)

    To be eligible to contest the Strokeplay Championship, the member must also satisfy the qualification criterion for the Vin O'Meara Memorial Trophy.

    Scores will be aggregated over the three rounds and will be contested in two categories.

    In the event of tied scores for either first or runner-up, the players will be declared equal and equal trophies will be awarded.

  60. Priems Cup

    1. The Priems Cup Event will be a team competition played on two competition days nominated by the Match Committee in any Competition year. The preferred times are April and September (first Stableford competition in the month)
    2. The teams will be selected by the team captains on the Thursday prior to the event from the members who have registered to play.
    3. The team captains will be the Brothers Priems or their nominated substitute if they are not available on the day.
    4. The right to take first selection will be determined as the captain of the previous losing team.
    5. The selected captain will choose his first team member and the other captain will choose from the remaining list of player registrations.
    6. Team selection will alternate between the captains from then on until the player registration list is exhausted.
    7. The team captains will play in the same group and will lead out the field so that they can collate results, and urge on their teams at the 18th.
    8. In the event that an odd number of players has registered or presents on the day, the odd man out score will not be considered in the either team's total.
    9. In the event of one player not turning up, then, if there is an even number of players, the captain of the opposing team will nominate one player to become the odd man out. If there is already an odd man player, he fills the absentee spot. For two or more absentees, the captains will transfer membership and/or nominate odd man out as required.
    10. In the event of a single walk-up, if there is an even number of players, he becomes the odd man player. If there is already an odd man player or there are more than one walk-up, the usual order of captains choice will apply (see Rule 4).
    11. Team scores will be the sum of stableford points returned by each member of the team.
    12. If Team scores are equal at the end of the day, the result will be declared a Draw.
    13. The Priems Cup will be awarded each year to the Team Captain whose team accumulates the highest total of stableford points over the two rounds of the event.
    14. Club Championship and Senior Championship points will be awarded for normal placings and handicapping applied according to Club rules.

  61. Annual Challenge

    1. The Annual Challenge will be contested over two days at a course selected by the Social Secretary and approved by the Management Committee.
    2. The Annual Challenge will be a formal Club Event and will attract Championship Points and re-handicapping based on the result.
    3. The event will be contested as a Stableford Competition using a handicap which will be determined as follows.
      1. Club members and guests with a GA handicap will contest both rounds of the event using their Daily Handicap for the highest slope course to be played, using their GA handicap after the previous Saturday's results have been entered.
      2. Club members without a GA handicap will commence the event using their Club handicap, which will be scaled according to the ratio of the Slope of the selected course to the Slope of the Blue Course at Ivanhoe (103).
      3. Guests without a GA handicap, or with a lapsed Club handicap, will be allocated a starting handicap based on an estimate of their ability by the organiser and the Match Committee in consultation.
      4. The handicaps (and scores) of non-GA contestants will be subject to review after the first round at the discretion of the organiser.
      5. The Handicapper will provide a list of handicaps to the organiser after the completion of the previous Saturday's data entry.
    4. Championship points will be awarded based on the placings according to the total of Stableford points scored over the two days of the event. Only single points will be allocated.
    5. Member's Club handicaps will be adjusted according to the Club rules with the winners penalty applied to the winner and other adjustments based on the player's maximum Stableford points (best round) of the two rounds on the weekend.
    6. The winner of the Annual Challenge will be awarded the Mustard Jacket, a trophy and a position in the Champion of Champions event.
    7. For members not attending the Annual Challenge, provided that there are more than the minimum field of six players playing at IPGC, they will be awarded separate placings and Championship points based on the scores submitted. Their handicaps will be adjusted as for a normal club competition.
    8. Seniors Championship Points will also be applied to both groups of players.

  62. David Primrose Champion of Champions Tournament

  63. To be eligible to play in the Champion of Champions Tournament the player must have won at least one of the following events that are completed in the relevant Competition year that finishes with the December Monthly medal on the last Saturday in November:

    Events completed after this date but before the date of the current CoC (i.e. Vin O'Meara and Strokeplay Champions) will compete in the following CoC.

    The result of the Champion of Champions competition will be determined on the basis of net stroke scores.

    Contestants will also score their cards for Stableford points. The Stableford scores on the day from all players will attract Championship points and will be used for handicapping purposes

    1. Any Monthly medal
    2. Fred Howe Cup
    3. Stuart Clarke Memorial
    4. David Ford Cup
    5. Vin O'Meara Memorial Trophy
    6. Fred Kitson Cup
    7. Annual Challenge
    8. Matchplay championship
    9. Club champion
    10. Senior Club Champion
    11. Club Stroke Play Championship (Scratch and net)

  64. Chump of Chumps

    1. The Chump of Chumps Tournament will be contested on the same day as the David Primrose Champion of Champions Tournament.
    2. Eligible members will be those who have not qualified to take part in the Champion of Champions Field.
    3. The competition result will be determined on the basis of Stableford points score.
    4. The Stableford scores from all players on the day will attract Championship points and will be used for handicapping purposes.