28th January 2023 – Stableford Competition Results at Royal Ivanhoe

Jonathan was lucky enough (or unlucky if you ask some) to play with Peps who by his own admission has not been playing that great of late. He managed to turn back the clock and following some banter with CJ during the week, handed in a card with just 2 over par to win easily for the day with 41 points. This included a double bogey on the 17th! Many were calling for a review of his handicap before next weeks punters club trip after his performance, Peps stated that the HC’s were all sorted but we will let the master of ceremonies dictate terms for that.
Bill was also back to some fine form and after miss-counting his points and slotted into second place with 38 points. Brendon also beat his handicap with a consistent and solid round for 3rd place and ended up with 37 points. This included a pitch from about 30m on the 16th which skidded along the green at high speed and crashed into the pin and the cup for a birdie, one of 11 scored for the day.
After the round Steve’s playing companions were saying that he has a couple of new nicknames, Mr Grumbles AKA new Trevor! Nonetheless after not being too impressed with many shots his round was good enough for 4th place and 36 points. Rounding out the place getters was Blighty who had jotted down the wrong handicap and gained an extra point for his troubles. The assistant handicapper decided to take the lenient approach and not disqualify Andrew for his mistake.
Unlucky to SOS, CJ and Matty who missed out based on the adjustments, guess that’s karma for Matty after reading out and making fun of last place getters for the day during the results announcements :D.
Speaking of announcements on the day, Matty was full of praise for Peps who hit a magnificent shot on the 7th which hit the flag and ended up only a couple of metres away from the hole. SOS was about to hand over the ball for nearest the Pin, but it was then advised that 3rd Andrew (Noble) easily beat Peps to get closer and win the ball and also made the birdie. It was almost a carbon copy on the 18th for the second ball hole as Peps had his name on the marker but it required a measure to verify that Andrew N only just missed out on beating Peps again.
The pro pin was on the 12th hole and there was some confusion as the marker was placed by an earlier group on the green, but there was no name on the card and the marker was more than 5m away. from the pin. CJ was last man standing and apparently his tee shot wast close enough by the narrowest of margins to win the cash (4.9m hmmm).
Jake was a man on a mission, a mission to take out new members James and Andrew that is. On the 14th calls for fore were heard from the tee and Jake’s tee shot landed on the green only a metre or so from Andrew. Next up on the 15th hole Jake’s tee shot flew wide and only just sailed over James’s head. There was a moment where fore calls were heard coming from all around the course within a 30 second spell.
Shout out to Josh who celebrates a birthday during the week. He commented that he will probably give golf a miss next week due to repercussions from his celebrations. As there will be a few away next week for the punters trip, the competition is still on at Ivanhoe for those who can make it.
Results for Saturday, 28 Jan 2023
1st Andrew Petricola (41) 2nd Bill Eastoe (38) 3rd Brendon Mitchell (37) 4th Steven Gervasoni (36) 5th Andrew Blight (35)
Seniors Results: 1st Bill Eastoe (38) 2nd Steven Gervasoni (36) 3rd Andrew Blight (35)
Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 12th Chris Priems BallPin No 1 – 7th Andrew Noble BallPin No 2 – 18th Andrew Petricola
What is it about Par? on 21 January 2023.
My, wasn’t it a lovely day for a round of golf? This contention was supported by the fact that we had seventeen members (including new boy on the block, Peter Sein) turn out to sample the joys that Ivanhoe had to offer. With AndrewN putting in his second card and James Hale along as a guest of BrentL submitting his first, the prospects for membership are looking almost as sunny as the day itself. The course continues to be in fine fettle, with the fairways being fairly forgiving in the run department, and the greens being smooth and true. So, once again, there was absolutely no reason not to score your pants off. And, by and large, the scoring was nothing to be embarrassed about, with the majority of the rest of the field only just out of the points.
To start off with a double bogie on the first would not elicit a comment. However, scoring a triple on the seventeenth when you are one over the card on the back nine did result in a few comments about protecting handicap and other dastardly deeds. Despite this little aberration, ChrisJ was able to report a personal best stroke score of 78 and a very impressive plus six for the round. Old Reliable was back to his old reliable self today, largely due to not leaving his putts short, as has been the case a few times recently. It can make a huge difference, so you have to wonder why so many of us do it so consistently. CJ is getting to be almost as reliable as Old Reliable, and he was able to join Craig in second place with his score of plus two. It seems that the turf difference between the ‘Hoe and the Frog requires a bit of an adjustment to his chipping technique, which he reckons he has just about worked it out. Seems to show in the results at any rate.
Brent is back after a bit of a break, and he brought along his mate James. They drew the short straw and had to lead out the field. With a group of shamateurs just in front, things almost took a nasty turn on the first green when James took a solid blow on the lower leg from a very errant shot from the second tee. This is not the sort of welcome we normally hand out to prospective members on their first round. Usually, it takes a bit longer! Despite this little incident, Brent was able to show that the break has not seriously affected his game, and he collected third place for his score of plus one.
Ken was very quiet about his round that included a couple of bright spots as well as a couple of dull spots. These pretty much cancelled each other out, and he played exactly to his handicap to occupy the fourth spot on the podium with a square card. On the bottom deck, with a score of minus one, we had a fair sort of crowd. Adam was pretty pleased with his chip in for birdie on the 13th, which would have helped his Eclectic score. It also contributed to the twelve that the club scored today. Bob seems to have completed the round without a buggy incident, and if it hadn’t been for a couple of ‘fat ladies’, he could easily have been further up the table. Peter didn’t muck about with his first competition round, playing from his GA handicap. It took him five or six holes to adjust to the Ivanhoe course, after playing at Northern in recent times, so we might see more of Peter on the podium before too long. Even though the tee on the second was on the front block, a remarkable number of members had triples on the hole. SOS was one of them, but it was about the only real blemish on his card.
Having been put in charge of putting out the markers for the Nearest the Pin, Brent obviously thought that he should put his name on every one of them. Well, almost every one of them. Unfortunately, people had other ideas, and none of his attempts survived. On the 12th, the first BallPin went to Craig, while the second, on the 18th, went to Pepsi. The ProPin was on the 4th, and it could have been a bit challenging with the tee set well back. However, Pepsi came to the fore once more, and scooped the pool with his shot to 1.8m.
The Birthday Birdie has one call to make this week, and that is to our old mate Keith, who is still on the road to recovery, and who we look forward to seeing back into the swing of things soon. Have a good one, Keith.
Raj has obviously been impressed by the skills of the Priems. On the 8th, his tee shot headed in the direction of the 6th before getting tangled in the trees, from whence it was ejected back onto the fairway. The next shot was headed well out into the billabong, before it was subject to a multiple ricobound, to once again finish out in the middle of the fairway. Pepsi found the pond on the 11th, and decided that the ball was playable. There was a massive explosion of water and mud, out of which exited the ball, which finished nicely on the green about a metre and a half from the hole. And, while talking about the 11th, Porks just happened to drive the green, but missed the putt for the eagle by the narrowest of margins. Stan could have been disheartened after the front nine, but he demonstrated that he is made of sterner stuff and stormed home to finish only just outside the points distribution
Results for Saturday, 21 Jan 2023
1st Chris James (+6) 2nd Craig Cameron (+2) 2nd Chris Priems (+2) 3rd Brent Loeskow (+1) 4th Ken Watson (□) 5th Adam King (-1) 5th Bob McDonald (-1) 5th Peter Sein (-1) 5th Stephen O’Sullivan (-1)
Seniors Results: 1st Chris Priems (+2) 1st Craig Cameron (+2) 2nd Ken Watson (□) 3rd Bob McDonald (-1) 3rd Peter Sein (-1)
Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 4th Andrew Petricola BallPin No 1 – 12th Craig Cameron BallPin No 2 – 18th Andrew Petricola
Fifty shades of purple on 14 January 2023
There was a fair bit of hype about heat during the week, as the BOM promised a scorcher for today. So, with appropriate warnings in place, twelve members set out to test their skill and to try to get the round finished before the worst of the heat arrived. And, to that end, they were pretty much successful. Despite Siri insisting that the temperature was 27 or 28, the general consensus was that it felt rather more than that, and the water bottles got a fair work out. As the options to find shade along the edge of the fairways declined, Harry resorted to raising the umbrella to provide a bit more shelter. The sprinklers have been is use and at least one low spot near the first green went close to being called as casual water. However, the fairways generally were firm and fast to favour plenty of run. SOS can attest to that when he was able to play the 11th to par despite the fact that the highest point that his ball achieved was when it was sitting on the tee peg. The greens could have done with a blow job, with some putts requiring a lot of gardening to clear a path from the fallen leaves.
As purple patches go, Harry has been having one of the deepest shades possible. He started with a par, which sometimes has been a portent for ‘trouble’. However, after five holes, he was still only two over par, and by the end of the front nine that had only extended to six over for a very handy 21 points. On the back nine, the pars just kept on rolling in, and by the end there were 12 to grace the card, and the points tally had extended to 45, more than enough to win the day. The strokes taken were a personal best, and the total was 78, which achieved a long time ambition to play to his age. The next target has to be to break it.
Ryan’s patch was only a lighter shade of pale, as he scored five of the thirteen birdies that we scored for the day on his way to a round of just two over par and a total of 40 stableford points. His day didn’t start off the greatest when his drive from the first carried a bit left into the trees, and finished perilously close to being completely unplayable. Being a leftie, he managed some sort of a shot, and had little difficulty in making just the bogie. He then made the first of his birdies on the very next hole, something of a rare event, but the tee was set up on the front block. Ryan played with and scored for Harry, so maybe they just pushed one another on to bigger and better things.
Matt brought along his son, Josh, as a guest today. Now, you would think that it would be the fatherly thing to do, and shout your son for the green fee. Matt obviously believes in tough love, and it was ‘not on your nelly’. Now, Josh is all of nineteen, and, in his own words, he is getting back into golf. He can give the ball a good whack, and he did so on the 3rd, except that the ball hit a tree fair and square about 80m away, and the ricobound brought the ball back to about 300mm on the ‘wrong’ side of the red markers. Would Matt ‘forgive’ his offspring the shout. Not on your nelly. Definitely tough love. Anyway, Matt scored 39 points. He was joined by Rob, who is also making something of a comeback from the ‘dead’ although he is beginning to wonder what he has to do not to be relegated to third place with his 39 points. It is not clear whether Rob’s score was affected by the fact that he ‘lost’ his chipper by the 4th green, requiring him to do a sprint from the 8th fairway to recover it. The fact that it was still where he left it is testament to the fact that nobody else wants/uses that sort of club.
There was a suggestion that Raj has been influenced by the talents of the Priems brothers in using the woodwork to bring their ball back into play. He tried the technique quite a number of times on the front nine, but he did not seem to have the required knack, and his score suffered as a result. He seems to have reverted to a more conventional approach on the back nine, and the resultant good scoring brought his total for the round up to 38 points for the fourth spot on his own. On a day when you had to play to your handicap just to get a point, there were three members who did just that. Old Reliable, Craig, was joined by Adam and Pepsi. Pepsi might have done better if not for an uncharacteristic drive on the 14th, which left him playing from a spot that he had never played from before. This was obviously very significant because his shot from the unaccustomed spot finished firmly in the penalty area, leaving him with little chance other than to wipe the hole.
Ben did warn us when he cancelled his spot that his guest, Atila, was a bit of a demon on the course. This certainly proved to be the case on the 12th, which just happened to be the double Jackpot ProPin. Atila was in the first group and put his drive on the hole, pin high, and a mere 440mm from the hole, pretty much sealing the deal short of a hole-in-one. When handed the weighty bag of shrapnel, he thought he would go through it looking for rare ones, only to be informed by SOS that he had already done so. Not satisfied with the cash, Atila also lined up to collect the BallPin from the 15th. He wasn’t able to clean sweep the event, and it was left up to SOS to take home the BallPin from the 18th. It was close enough for him to rattle in the birdie, which made it two in a row for him. He went for the green on the 17th, and left a longish putt for the eagle. Unfortunately, that died on the edge of the hole, where another half turn could easily have resulted in a drop in the side door. Close, but no cigar.
We had one more guest today, who started out as a ring-in from another tee time. By the end of the round, John O’Callahan was submitting his card as the first step to joining our merry band. So, two potential members in the one day with Josh and John, and a big welcome to them. Atila is just visiting Melbourne, so he could not be persuaded to stay and join us.
Blighty was putting like a demon on the front nine, and he probably only had about ten putts for the nine (and not because he picked up on a heap of holes). Unfortunately, the magic departed him on the back, and he had to finish just outside the points. Despite Rob’s score today, he did make one errant shot, where his tee shot from the 15th finished somewhere out in the tennis court car park. A raven was spotted trying to raid Rob’s bag after the round, and it was suggested that the bird was probably after his wallet for the moths that it contains. And, while on the subject of Rob, the Birthday Birdie has to flutter over to his place later in the week to wish him Happy Birthday and to check out the new pergola over the pizza oven.
Results for Saturday, 14 Jan 2023
1st Harry Boughen (45) 2nd Ryan Porker (40) 3rd Matt Hunt (39) 3rd Robert Priems (39) 4th Rajesh Mahto (38) 5th Craig Cameron (36) 5th Adam King (36) 5th Andrew Petricola (36)
Seniors Results: 1st Harry Boughen (45) 2nd Craig Cameron (36) 3rd Andrew Blight (35)
Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 12th Atila Koca BallPin No 1 – 15th Atila Koca BallPin No 2 – 18th Stephen O’Sullivan
There was one Monthly Medal, hanging on the wall on 07 January 2023.
The calendar year has just begun, and the first Monthly medal was up for grabs. After a couple of cop-outs, we could only muster 13 members, but the total playing was boosted by the inclusion of Andrew Nobel, who is planning to join our happy little band. You couldn’t have wanted for better weather with calm sunny conditions for most of the round, although the breeze did pick up just a bit later in the day. The bare patches on the third are filling in nicely, and you actually get a chance to play off some grass if you happen to venture into that area of the course. And, it has reached the stage where the management of the course will require the addition of some water. Who’d have thought, when only a few weeks ago it was effectively under water. Some of the rough areas have been allowed to lengthen, which resulted in a fair bit of searching as well as a number of ‘lost’ balls, all of which does not help the pace of play.
There was a fair sort of a gallery at the first tee when Bob lined up for his first shot of the day. The result was not great, and the ball finished in the garden bed just in front. Almost unperturbed, Bob recovered well enough to finish the hole with a score that would have still scored him a point had the event been Stableford. From there on, there was no holding him back, as the pars and bogies kept rolling in with great regularity. Despite getting the front wheel of his buggy tangled up in some sort of a Gordian Knot (no, it has nothing to do with Gordo) on the 12th, Bob was on track to a gross score of 93 and a field beating net score of 64 to take out the January Monthly Medal.
Meanwhile, Gordian (I mean Gordo) was also showing some of the form that has been largely absent in the recent past. He was feeling pretty pleased with his card, that showed nothing worse than a single double that netted him a score of 65. He opined that the double on the 17th was the unforgivable sin that cost him the Medal, that he would have won on countback had he tied the event. You know what they say about aunties and uncles! And, what is more reliable than playing exactly to your handicap? Old Reliable, of course. Yes, Craig did it again. Straight down the middle and two pretty evenly balanced halves to card the ‘perfect’ score of net 68 and third place.
ChrisJ rocked up today, bragging about how his brand new Chrissy bag was going to help his game out of sight. For the first four or five holes, it looked as if it really was doing the job as the teed off on the 6th, equalling par so far. Then things started to unravel just slightly. A couple of fat ladies between there and the end of the round meant that he was only able to report a net 70, which is by no means an embarrassment as far as scores go, plus it gave him fourth place for the day. Harry was quite keen to put his new handicap to the test, and things were going well until the 6th when a disappearing ball from a second errant shot, and the resultant penalties meant that double figures were only just avoided by sinking a longish putt. In the end, he was not too unhappy with the final score of 72 and the one point for 5th place. Steve had a couple of ‘bad’ holes, but the one that really took the cake was the 15th, where he ended up playing three balls from the tee, and finished carding a nine for the hole. Despite all this, he was able to limp home with net 72 as well, and collected a point for fifth as well.
The first BallPin was set for the 15th green, and there could have been a fair contest for the ball after Beast put his ball not all that close from the first group. Harry managed to get somewhat closer than Bill, but there was still plenty of room for improvement. In the end, no improvement was made and Harry collected the ball. The BallPin on the 18th was a jackpot from last week, and Craig was keen to improve his ball collection statistics. However, he was foiled by Steve, who seems to be making a bit of a thing of winning the ball on the 18th. The ProPin was a jackpot on the 12th, but maybe people were trying too hard because nobody succeeded in getting within the required distance. Brendon thought he might have made it, but the tape stretched out to 5.06m. Close, but no cigar! Given his propensity for being able to grab the money, perhaps he was still suffering from his close encounter with a tiger on the third. It obviously scared the birdies as well, for we only scored 5 for the day.
Ryan could have taken out the ProPin on the twelfth with his tee shot, except that it was not his first, after he power shanked that one out onto the road and almost onto the oval. There were a lot of ‘stray’ balls out on the course today. Adam was playing with a Titleist number 4 ball, which you might have thought was fairly distinctive. On one occasion, while searching his group came across four balls, same brand, same number before coming across the one that was his. At least one other search required checking several balls to find the correct one. Our guest, Andrew, used to play Junior golf back in England, but he claims to be a bit rusty these days. The evidence suggests that the rust could very soon be cleaned off when a few ‘trouble-making’ shots are straightened out. We look forward to seeing Andrew out and about with us when life and family allow.
Results for Saturday, 07 Jan 2023
1st Bob McDonald (64) 2nd Gordon Hill (65) 3rd Craig Cameron (68) 4th Chris James (70) 5th Harry Boughen (72) 5th Steven Gervasoni (72)
Seniors Results: 1st Bob McDonald (64) 2nd Gordon Hill (65) 3rd Craig Cameron (68)
Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 12th Jackpot BallPin No 1 – 15th Harry Boughen BallPin No 2 – 18th Steven Gervasoni