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It was a gas on 27 July 2024.

steve being steve
The lessons and practice have really paid off!

There had been a fair drop of rain during the week, and the Bureau had been predicting another drop today, so it is perhaps not surprising that the car-park was remarkably devoid of occupants as our eleven brave souls set out with determination in their hearts to crash-tackle Steve and show him that there is no such thing as an unassailable lead. There were few signs on the horizon when we set out, but CJ had opened a hot-line to the BOM, and, at about 1130, he received an urgent message that we should expect rain at 1200. At precisely 1200, the last group were teeing up on the 18th, and the first drops began to fall, and, by the time that they made it to the barbecue, it was raining quite steadily with the radar indicating that there was quite a bit to follow. We were probably not too popular with the groups queued up behind our rather ‘slow’ train. The lead group of three had finished a good three holes in front, which, in an Irish sort of a way, had turned out to be a good thing. But, more of that later.

The story of the day just had to be Steve. After last week’s demolition derby, the question being asked, would this be the dew-damp tom-thumb picked up from the ground the morning after Guy Fawkes Night! For those too young to know what the hell I am on about, ask and oldie! It turned out to be almost as good as the tuppenny bunger on the night. Ditto. His stated aim was to score two points on every hole, and he eased the burden with a par on the 3rd for four points for the second week in a row, and he was able to make the turn with those two points up his sleeve and ahead of his target. The back nine did not have quite so many two stroke holes, but he was able to keep the points ticking over at better than target rate until the 16th. An errant tee-shot from the 17th didn’t quite catch enough of the walking path fence to bring it back into play, and a second shot from the tee was required. A missed putt spoiled a chance to achieve a secondary aim of not having a miss, and he finished just one point shy of the two a hole target. The very impressive total of 79 points was more than enough to add a Major to the Mustard Jacket in his list of achievements. The number of two-stroke holes will be somewhat fewer from now on.

Michael started the day four points off the pace, but, by the 9th, he was ten points in arrears, and hoping for a miracle performance on his part or a serious crash and burn on the other part. Neither came to pass, but Michael did manage to complete the back nine just one stroke over par for nineteen points, bringing the margin back to just the eight points. Michael was also doing a fair bit of barracking for CJ, who, for some reason, was hitting his tee shots straight, or even, on occasion, with a bit of a draw. While this is generally seen to be a good thing, when you have been playing to a ‘power fade’ for as long as CJ has, it can pose a bit of a problem for ball placement. None more so than on the 17th, where his ball finished half under the boundary fence, and a couple of club motions (not to be confused with swings) to even get the ball to move from the spot. CJ’s rather ‘average’ tally of 26 points today was enough to keep hold of third spot, and to beat Raj, which pleased Michael no end.

Craig started off with his usual straight down the middle on the first, and fairly easily got his par to start the day. The rest of the front nine was pretty much to handicap until the 9th, where a scratch limited the score to just 16 points. The back nine produced just a few too many star pickets, and the 30 points bottom line brought his tally for the event to 60. Raj obviously gave himself a good talking to after last week, and, with the help of a chip-in birdie on the 12th, he produced the equal second best score of the day to bring his total for the event to 60 for a tie with Craig for 4th place. This was also one of the ‘missing’ birdies in his Eclectic. SOS got his wires slightly crossed today and put his GA handicap on his Club card and vice versa. However, this did not stop him from elevating himself from barbecue jockey to point scorer with his event total of 56 points, a mere 23 behind the event winner. The jury is out on whether either of those two occurrences are unique in the history of the club.

Others on the ‘daily’ podium were JQ and Harry, who both clocked in with 33 points. JQ was just back from taking in the sights of most of Europe, and claimed to be seriously jet-lagged, but with the stated aim of qualifying for the Monthly Medal next week. Harry wasn’t sure how the day would turn out, but he was prepared to pull the pin if anything untoward came to pass. The front nine was a bit average, but he started the back with a par, and it looked as if the result might be similarly average if the trend of the next three holes was a guide. The ‘drainer’ of the day for a birdie on the 14th (the second of the two that we scored) started a bolt for home that resulted in a Pavlovian reaction from Michael to reach into the hole to retrieve the ball after every putt, and produced a 38 off the stick (including a seven). Not quite a personal best for the nine, but Raj was laying claim to his PB for the back with his 35 off the stick.

The last of the Matchplay quarter-finals was played today between Brent and Targe. There was just the little matter of the 22 strokes that separated the two on the handicap table. You couldn’t really say that either of the contestants brought their best game on the day, which actually makes for an interesting match. Brent did manage to get an early lead, and, by dint of the conceded strokes, Targe was able to hold the fort, and not let the game get out of control. After the 13th, Brent was still two holes to the good. It’s unclear whether Targe had been running dead, but he made par on the next two holes. The 15th was via the trees out to the right, with a shot through a gap onto the green, followed by a rattled in putt. They traded holes over the next two, and it came down to the last where an equal off the stick result gave the match to Targe, one up.

The Jackpot BallPin on the 7th was won, but not without some measurement to determine the result. Michael fell about a metre short of taking the balls from Craig. On the 18th, the green was bare until the last group, and CJ was able to put one on to collect the ball. SOS was so confident for the ProPin on the 12th, that he didn’t even bother to put the marker out on the green. Unfortunately, CJ was able to trump SOS’s 4.86m with a shot to a mere 2.97m. He did wimp the putt, though.

Snags before snaps
Can everyone look at the camera?

Charlie would have been celebrating yesterday as he settles into his new digs in London, because it was his birthday. If Ben plays next week, be sure to wish him one of the best, because he will be celebrating a new landmark. SOS was in charge of the catering, and, having led the charge around the course, he was calmly monitoring the progress of the cooking of the burgers and snags when he noticed that the plate seemed to be losing heat. Rats, out of gas. Does the ProShop have a spare bottle? No such luck. Quick dash to get a replacement. Back just in time to get the ball rolling and to finish the cooking before the stragglers straggled in. Thank heavens for small mercies. The burgers and snags went down a treat, so much so that CJ was running a Uber delivery service to staff members in the ProShop. Do you want special sauce with that sausage?

Results for Saturday, 27 Jul 2024
1st Steven Gervasoni (42, 37, 79) 2nd Michael Gourlay (38, 33, 71) 3rd Chris Priems (35, 26, 61) 4th Craig Cameron (30, 30, 60) 4th Rajesh Mahto (25, 35, 60) 5th Stephen O’Sullivan (21, 35, 56)

Seniors Results: 1st Steven Gervasoni (42,37,79) 2nd Michael Gourlay (38,33,71) 3rd Chris Priems (35,26,61)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 12th Chris Priems BallPin No 1 – 7th Craig Cameron BallPin No 2 – 18th Chris Priems

Gervasoni blitz!

Photo of man with apron
SoS can cook, but Brendon would have looked good in this

In week one of a major, the interest in the first-round leaderboard is matched, perhaps even surpassed, by interest in who will be wearing the aprons in the cooking group for next week.

At the half-way mark, Adam formally awarded “The Apron” to Brendon who had scored 9 points on the front 9.

Brendon subsequently rallied on the back with 18 points and his total of 27 was enough to avoid cooking duties, just.

We all know SoS can cook and with his 21 points he will have yet another chance to show us his Master Chef skills next week, with Targe and Harry for company.

Harry was one of the big stories of the day. Having battled through the first 10 holes feeling crook as the proverbial dog, he finally did the sensible thing and pulled the plug. Later on, back in the clubhouse, with Dr Dan still out on the course, SoS did a medical consult with Harry and between them they decided Harry’s heart rate was a bit all over the shop and an ambulance was called. The Ambos weren’t too concerned that Harry was in immediate trouble, but keen to get him to hospital and checked out.

Good news is that by Saturday night Harry was back home and feeling much better, the heart rate having got back to normal and he’s already talking about tearing the course up next week. You gave us a bit of scare there Harry, but great to hear you got good care from the Ambos and the hospital (and SoS) and are feeling better.

PS. The rumour that Harry scored more points in 10 holes than SoS did in 18 isn’t quite true, but it was a close run contest.

Without Harry, we had 12 players with completed cards today, and two of those (Prez Priems and Dan) won’t be around next week due to work commitments. Dan starts his 6-month stint at Shepparton Hospital this week. He has been pleased to discover he isn’t rostered on as many weekends as he thought he might be, so despite this being his official “last” game for a while, he might be able to sneak back for a few games here and there.

Meanwhile Steve was back for his first game in a while and blitzed the field with 42 points, including 26 on the front 9. Quite a stunning score especially given the difficult windy conditions, although luckily the predicted heavy rain mostly stayed away. Hopefully Harry will be well enough next week to make sure Steve’s handicap of 29 gets a big chop.

Michael has been in therapy all week after playing angry last week. Rather than keep throwing his clubs this week, he decided to switch to his alternate set of “winter” clubs and on a very wintry day, the club changed seemed to help Michael’s mood and score. 69 off the stick and 38 points sees him in second place.

CJ played solidly all day for 35 points and third position on the leaderboard. Brother Rob was fourth with 32 points, although with Rob not playing next week the next best, Craig with 30 points, is effectively in fourth position, with Adam next in line on 28, Brendan and Stan on 27 and Raj on 25.

If we get another day of dirty weather next week, it might be interesting what total score will be good enough for fifth placed points and whether this will break any club records for a major.

Raj had two birdies of the five across the field today. His other claim to fame was hitting the same tree 3 times on the left-hand side of the 11th with his second, third and fourth shots.

Group photo after the round on 20 July 2024
The Burnley boys were allegedly too scared to come into the clubhouse due to this frightening mob

Brendon won the money on the 12th with a shot to 2.66m. He is also rumoured to have comprehensively won the fight (well the war of words) when some impatient “non-Ivanhoe” folk (was it the Burnley boys) who hit off the tee on the 14th before Brendon’s group had completed hitting their second shots.

Steve won the ball on the 18th to cap off his great day and the ball on the 7th jackpots, with Michael, CJ and Brendon all a bit stiff there with shots that finished just off the green.

Meanwhile a bit of movement on the much coveted Eclectic Championship, with Raj’s birdie on the 9th moving him into equal second with Brendon with only “cue in the rack” Charlie ahead of them.

Eclectic specialist Brendon, the defending champion, missed a golden opportunity on the 12th to edge closer. Hard to believe Brendon hasn’t birdied the 12th once this year. He also has the 2nd, 4th and 9th up his sleeve still to birdie.

Raj ditto hasn’t yet birdied the 12th and he also still has the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 18th up his sleeve. The smokey in the Eclectic is Bobby in 4th place. He might run them all done by year’s end.

As it stands, we will have 11 players from Round 1 there for Round 2 of the Fred Howe Winter Cup. If any other members would like to come down for a game, please come and enjoy both the golf and the BBQ.

Results for Saturday, 20 Jul 2024
Leaderboard Round 1: 1st Steven Gervasoni (42) 2nd Michael Gourlay (38) 3rd Chris Priems (35) 4th Robert Priems (32) 5th Craig Cameron (30)

Seniors Leaderboard: 1st Steven Gervasoni (42) 2nd Michael Gourlay (38) 3rd Chris Priems (35)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 12th Brendon Mitchell BallPin No 1 – 7th Jackpot BallPin No 2 – 18th Steven Gervasoni

Bon voyage Charles

Dan and Charles all smiles on the winners podium
Perfect send off for Charles, the winner’s podium with Dan

A week before Dan heads off to SoS territory for a six month stint of work doctoring at Shepparton Hospital, Charles is packing his bags for a stint of lawyering in London (he might be there already given the delay in getting this blog written).

In Charles last week before heading off, he and Dan, both on the same handicap (19) went toe to toe all day.

Charles stood on the 18th tee with his nose in front by one shot and feeling confident the bragging rights would be his.

With their mate Sebastian (one of three guests who joined us on the day) looking on, Charles fluffed his way down the 18th and put a 5 for 1 on his scorecard for a 36 points total. This left Dan facing a tricky curling right to left 6 footer for a 4 for 2 to join Charles on that score. After various deliberations checking the line, and with Sebastian getting out the phone to film the putt, adding to the pressure of the moment, Dan managed to roll it in and join Charles with the clubhouse lead.

On the day, by the time announcements were made and the winners photo taken, Charles and Dan were declared the joint winners. This didn’t factor in Blighty’s flighty accounting. When Harry got to checking of the cards, Blighty was upgraded from 35 to 36 points and joined Charles and Dan in a triple dead heat for the first.

Blighty’s elevation from 2nd to equal first means all the placegetters announced on the day snuck up one place.

The other guests who joined us this week were Joe Walton and Dan McArdle who played with Peps and CJ. We won’t talk about Peps last three holes – 3 pars would have seen him with 37 points and the win, but instead it was a bogey, bogey, double bogey finish and 33 points which was still good enough for 3rd place points.

Joining Old Reliable Craig on 34 points in 2nd was CJ who Dan Mc and Joe said played remarkably well especially given his extreme jet leg – an apparently very strenuous world whiskey tour on Friday night.

SoS, off the back of a variation on his usual adventures on the 17th (one ball in the Yarra to the left, the next into the pond on the right) signed for 31 points and 4th placed points, while Michael (after the Blighty adjustment) managed to sneak in a championship point for 5th with 30 points. Harry, Raj and Stan were the others in the field of 11 playing for points, plus the 3 guests.

We are going the short blog this week – given the lateness of publication, and none of you ever read it to the end anyway, so just a few highlights.

Charles was very enamoured with his new driver, a Taylor Made Stealth 2, bought with a thank-you voucher from his workplace. It certainly worked better than his old driver – a Cleveland of his dad’s, said to be of late 90’s/early 2000’s vintage. Charles drive on the 10th was as good as Stef or Beast in their prime, a big high draw over the trees and a wedge in. Has Stef passed his prime I wonder?

SoS had a very interesting journey down the 14th. Having hit it out on the 16th fairway off the tee he was somewhat mesmerised waiting and watching and watching and waiting and watching some more as Dan stood over his shot into the 16th green. Dan has been known to take his time standing over the ball and SoS became worried Dan had fallen asleep. Ever patient, SoS might have quietly mentioned his concern to Dan. The whole experience of being quiet and patient obviously did SoS no harm as he lobbed his next on to the 14th green and then rattled in a monster putt for the birdie.

Blighty lost his first ball on the 17th but made a near eagle with his second ball, a crucial rescue to keeping his score ticking along. Craig made a monster birdie putt on the 5th after missing a tiddler on the previous hole (such a stupid game golf). Like Peps, quite a few “if onlys” for Craig who could easily have finished higher on the podium. There were only 4 birdies across the field for the day which must be close to a record low.

The nearest the pins were closely fought. Craig won the money on the 15th with a shot to 4.17 metres. The tee was down the bottom so a much easier shot this week than normal.

CJ came within an inch or two of knocking Craig off for the money, but had to settle instead for knocking Michael off for the ball on the 18th. His 6 iron there to 1.91 metres was a beauty. Peps won the ball on the 4th, a tidy little 9 iron in there.

The coming fortnight is the two rounds of our next major, the Fred Howe Winter Cup. Indeed Melbourne looks like it is turning on some serious winter to get ourselves in the groove for the Fred Howe.

With double points on offer, watch out for Raj and Brendan to make a run at Michael’s lead in the Club Championship, not to mention Prez Priems, SoS, Porks, Harry, Craig, Bobby and CJ who could all vault up the leader board with a win. Johnny Q could too if he turns up.

Results for Saturday, 13 Jul 2024
1st Andrew Blight (36) 1st Charles Gibbs (36) 1st Dan Marie (36) 2nd Craig Cameron (34) 2nd Chris Priems (34) 3rd Andrew Petricola (33) 4th Stephen O’Sullivan (31) 5th Michael Gourlay (30)

Seniors Results: 1st Andrew Blight (36) 2nd Chris Priems (34) 2nd Craig Cameron (34) 3rd Michael Gourlay (30)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 15th Craig Cameron BallPin No 1 – 4th Andrew Petricola BallPin No 2 – 18th Chris Priems

An unqualified success on 06 July 2024.

Bradbury skates through
Winners aren’t grinners!

The weather was kind, kind of! There had been some real frit teasers during the week, and the high ridging across the state promises more to come. However, there was just enough high cloud around to keep a bit of a blanket in place, and, although it was fresh, some members were questioning the need for the extra layer and/or the hand warmers at the start of the round. However, there weren’t too many stripped down to their jocks by the end of the round, so it didn’t warm up too much. We had the luxury of preferred lies, but there weren’t a lot of cases where they were really necessary, unless of course you needed the hand span to get out of an inconvenient depression where a pipe, or something of the sort, had been laid. It was our day to remember our good mate, Keith, and it was good to see twelve regulars, and Ben, front up for the competition. Occasional member, Joe, also came along to keep Ben company and to catch up with current members, old and new.

Brent started out with a birdie on the first, which elicited the usual remarks about the only direction from there was down. The auguries were not good when the drive on the second finished on the 6th fairway, and there was a bit of a struggle to finish the hole with a double. Future slightly straying shots proved to be recoverable, and on the 9th, there were hopes for an eagle to equal par for the front nine. The worm-burner from the tee put paid to that idea. Still, the back nine was untouched, and it ended up untouched by anything but par totals, bring him home with 71 off the stick, and, with his ‘ridiculous’ club handicap of 10, a net score of 61. However. By dint of not having played since the last Monthly Medal, Brent was not qualified to win the trophy.

Matt had many fish to fry today, including a session in a corporate area at a footy match, so he was keen for an early start and a quick game. He got both, and kept the pace of the game up by taking as few strokes as possible. As a result, he was able to tear away to start on his afternoon of eating and drinking (and maybe watching Josh play football) with a net score of 68 on his card. With Brent out of the way, would he collect the medal. Unfortunately, Matt, too, had not played to qualify for the trophy, and we had to seek further for a winner. Pepsi might have had a few more bogies on the front nine than he would have liked, although he did snag a birdie on the 6th. The back nine was much more of a par fest, and he was able to finish just two over the card for the nine to play right to his handicap with a 68 as well. Fortunately, Pepsi did sneak in a round last week, and, so, he was qualified for the trophy, and was crowned the June Monthly Medallist.

When asked how he was going at one stage, Ben rattled off the number of double and triple bogies that he had been having. And, he should probably count his lucky stars, as his approach to the 11th green hurtled across the green at a great rate of knots. The general consensus was that the ball would have finished out in the oval if it had not hit the wheel of Brent’s buggy on the 12th tee and stopped dead on the path as a result. With that little piece of luck, Ben was able to win a potato cake from Joe, and finish with a net score of 69, which is not too shabby. If Pepsi had not qualified for the medal, would Ben have won it? The computer says “No”! He, too, would not have qualified for the trophy. Brendon played a very steady hand the whole day. The front nine was completed three over the card, which is right to his handicap. The back nine was not quite up to the same standard, but was given a boost on the 18th. After a very confusing attempt to measure the length of his ProShop ProPin, Brent asked did Brendon want his ball moved. Not a problem. Whack went the club. The ball whizzed up the hill, passed millimetres from Brent’s ball, and rattled into the hole for a birdie, which slotted Brendon into third place alongside Ben on 69. Voted to be the ‘drainer’ of the day.

CJ could easily have given up the ghost after a quad on the second hole. However, it turned out to be little more than a stubbed toe, and his back nine was a very respectable four over par. This rescued him sufficiently to slot into 4th place with his net score of 71 from a total of 82 off the stick. Raj is still managing to keep the points ticking up, albeit only the one this week, for his fifth place for a score of 72 net. Porks was making a feature of his recent elevation to the exalted heights of ‘father of two’, and there was a suggestion that a lack of sleep could have affected the standard of his game. This was certainly not what the rest of the field could claim for not matching his fifth place score of 72 as well.

CJ had been cajoled into joining the first group because the was bound to be some excitement arising from the quarter-final match between Matt and brother Prez. Unfortunately, Rob did not appear to have brought his best game along today, and by the ninth hole, CJ was begging to be relegated to a later group. However, it must be said that it was noted that, at 0653, Rob was rubbing his wrist, and explaining how he had hurt it. Was this a ready-made excuse? Other than squaring the first, the match was almost a one way street, with Rob only able to win one hole and square another on the way to the match going dormie seven after the 11th. With an Everest to climb by winning seven consecutive holes to stay in the match, Rob could only square the 12th to hand the match to Matt, 7 and 6.

There were some jackpots to be had today. A Double Jackpot on the 4th for the ProPin was untouched until Brendon outdid Brent, in the same group, to get his name on the card at 1.815m. That will be hard to beat, said Brendon. Except that Pepsi was able to sneak inside it with a shot to 1.79m to take the money and to rob Brendon of his sneaky little ‘slush fund’. There was a jackpot to be had for balls on the 15th, and Porks was the closest of those in his group that got on or near to on the green. Unfortunately, Ben was able to get even closer, and he collected two balls for his collection. Brendon’s 12+m effort on the 18th was enough to collect the ball on offer there.

Bob didn’t have a great day with the putter today, and his claim was that it was because the shaft was bent. So convinced was he of this that he was seen trying to reshape the shaft by using his head as an anvil. Not to put too fine a point on it, but modifying your equipment during play, unless it is to repair damage incurred during play, is disqualification. On the 17th tee, SOS lined up and announced that he was planning to slice it around the corner onto the green. Instead, he hooked it into the Yarra. Such control!

Remembering Keith
Marlene remembers Keith.

After the round, Gordon and Lisa had arrived, and set up and cooked the usual fare of burgers, onions, and snags to go with the buns, bread, and trimmings. Members of Keith’s family, wife Marlene, and daughters, Mon and Simone also came along to catch up with members of the Club that had formed a significant part of Keith’s life over the years. Club Captain, Brendon spoke of the regard with which Keith was held in the Club, and recounted in gory detail the infamous ‘Ibis Incident’. Mon and Simone spoke of their appreciation of the input from the Club just on a year ago and their sadness at not having been able to meet with members at the time. Marlene then spoke of her memories and joys of being with and raising a family with Keith, and of his ‘obsession’ with golf and the Club and of taking part in golf trips all those years ago. She even handed out a couple of her ‘special handshakes’ and hugs all round. Vale Keith Delzoppo.

Results for Saturday, 06 Jul 2024
1st Brent Rowley (61) 2nd Matt Hunt (68) 2nd Andrew Petricola (68) MM 3rd Ben Akdag (69) 3rd Brendon Mitchell (69) 4th Chris Priems (71) 5th Rajesh Mahto (72) 5th Ryan Porker (72)

Seniors Results: 1st Matt Hunt (68) 2nd Chris Priems (71) 3rd Craig Cameron (73)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 4th Andrew Petricola BallPin No 1 – 15th Ben Akdag BallPin No 2 – 18th Brendon Mitchell